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The form below has been rekeyed from a paper copy of the Vehicle Registration Form. For any corrections please contact

January 1999

Last Name, First Name (print)


  1. The parking of a vehicle at school is a privilege and can be revoked at any time if this privilege is abused.

  2. The parking permit fee is $5.00. The permit tag must be displayed when the car is parked on school property.

  3. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Buying and displaying a permit does not guarantee a parking space in the student parking lot. Only 3rd and 4th year students are permitted to park their registered vehicles on school property.

  4. Parking for students is restricted to the upper two-thirds of the main parking lot.

  5. The lower third of the main parking lot is reserved for faculty, staff and visitor parking. The small parking area adjacent to the auditorium is also reserved for faculty and staff parking. (Both areas will have STAFF painted on the parking spaces). Students parking in the faculty/staff parking area will have their parking privilege withdrawn are subject to having their vehicle towed at their own expense.

  6. No parking is permitted in the bus unloading/loading zone outside the entrance to the building and student dining room, the circle in front of the main office, along any curb, or on any red painted curb. Students parking in these areas will have their parking privilege withdrawn and may be subject to ticketing by the police and/or having their vehicle towed at their own expense.

  7. Regulations governing safe and courteous motor vehicle conduct on the roads also apply to the campus of River Hill. Infractions will be reported to the Howard County Police.

  8. Periodically, the Howard County Police Department sweeps the school and parking lot with the "drug dog". Vehicles identified as suspicious are subject to search and seizure and the applicable provisions of the HCPSS Drug/Alcohol Policy and the criminal code of the state.

  9. Once you have parked your car, lock it and do not return to it until the end of the day. Students are not to be in the parking lot between 7:30 a m and 2:00 PM. If you do need to go to your car, you must have permission from an administrator. Being in the parking lot during the above times is considered to be insubordination and will be handled as a discipline issue.

  10. A parking permit is issued for an assigned vehicle. The parking tag is not to be traded or sold to other drivers. The permit number and vehicle and vehicle must correspond with the school's records, or the parking privilege will be revoked.

  11. Security personnel will be in parking lot every day. Students are expected to identify themselves when asked and to cooperate with security at all times.

  12. Consequences for violations above are outlined on the back. Signing this form indicates that you and your parents understand their potential to you.

We have read and understand the above regulations and the consequences on the back, and will abide by them at all times.

Parent                               Date Student                         Grade                         Date
Daytime phone
Driver's License Number
Make Make
Model Model
Year Year
Color Color
License Plate Number License Plate Number


Parking without a permit displayed:

First Offense: Warning, parent contact, review of consequences.

Second Offense: Parent contact, review of consequences, school improvement assignment.

Continued Offenses: Loss of parking privileges for a minimum of 30 school days. Suspension from school for insubordination is an administrative option.

Parking without a permit:

First Offense: Warning, parent contact, review of consequences.

Second Offense: Loss of parking privileges for a minimum of 30 school days. Suspension from school for insubordination is an administrative option.

Parking in an Unauthorized Area (For example, Staff Parking Lot, Senior Parking Lot, ABL):

First Offense: Warning, parent contact, review of consequences.

Second Offense: Loss of parking privileges for a minimum of 30 school days. The permit itself will be returned to the school administration.

Continued Offenses: Loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the school year. The permit itself will be returned to the school administration. Suspension from school for insubordination is an administrative option.

Ineligible Driver (For example, second-year students, students who have had their parking permit revoked)

First Offense: Warning, parent contact, review of consequences.

Second Offense: Student will lose the eligibility to obtain a parking permit for at least the next semester. Suspension from school for insubordination is an administrative option.

Reckless Driving:

First Offense: Warning, parent contact, review of consequences.

Second Offense: Loss of parking privileges for a minimum of 30 school days. The permit itself will be returned to the school administration. Suspension from school for insubordination is an administrative option. Infractions may be reported to the Howard County Police.

Consequences Reviewed (date):________________ Consequences Reviewed (date):________________
Student Signature:______________________ Student Signature:______________________
Administrator:______________________ Administrator:______________________